

Simple Principles

In the midst of folding laundry, coordinating carpool schedules, and breaking up fights, many parents get lost. Feeling pressure to do everything "right" and raise up "good" children, it's easy to lose sight of our ultimate purpose as parents in the quest for practical tips and guaranteed formulas. In this life-giving book, Paul Tripp offers parents much more than a to-do list. Instead, Tripp presents us with a big-picture view of God's plan for us as parents. Outlining 14 foundational principles centered on the gospel, Tripp shows that we need more than the latest parenting strategy or list of techniques. Rather, we need the rescuing grace of God - grace that has the power to shape how we view everything we do as parents. Freed from the burden of trying to manufacture life-change in our children's hearts, we can embrace a grand perspective of parenting overflowing with vision, purpose, and joy.

Be The Dad She Needs You To Be

Love Languages

The relationship that matters most to your daughter isn't the one with her mother - it's the one with you, Dad. Her self-esteem, choices, behavior, character, and even her ideas about or choice of a marriage partner are all directly tied to you, as the most important representative to her of the male species.

In Be the Dad She Needs You to Be, Dr. Kevin Leman, internationally-known psychologist, New York Times best-selling author, and father of four daughters, will show you not only how to get the fathering job done and done well, but also how to: 

  • Make each daughter feel unique, special, and valued.
  • Discipline the right way...when it's needed.
  • Talk turkey about what guys are really thinking.
  • Keep the critical eye at bay.
  • Wave the truce flag when females turn your family room into a battleground.
  • Set your daughter up for life and relational success.

With some effort on your part (and very few dollars), you can gain the kind of relationship you dream of with your daughter - one based on mutual love and respect. The simple yet profound suggestions will transform you into the kind of man your daughter needs...for a lifetime. 


Making Children Mind

Making Children Mind

We have seen the enemy...and they are small. If anyone understands why children behave the way they do, it's psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Kevin Leman. Equipping you with seven principles of Reality Discipline, this father of five shows you how to get kids to do what you want them to do, foil finicky eaters, turn off temper tantrums, minimize sibling rivalries, use authority and decisiveness to show your kids you're not a pushover, know when to take the little buzzards by the beak, set suitable allowances, curfews, and privileges, and put yourself back in the driver's seat!